Date Posted: 8 March 2014
Gift Wrapping Tips

Tips on Wedding Gift Wrapping

Finding the perfect wedding gift can be difficult. Wrapping it is just as important as the present itself. To help you ensure your gift impresses, below are some tips to wrap your wedding presents.

Match the colour scheme of the wedding
Most wedding gift wrapping colours are often chosen without much thought. The colour of your present though can be more significant if it is able to match the colour scheme of the wedding. Check with the wedding organiser or bride to be to find out the theme and colour scheme of the wedding. Doing this can show the bride and groom your appreciation of their special day.

Let your creativity flow in packaging the gift
Wedding gift packaging tends to stay on the safe side. They are often wrapped boxes, bags or baskets with a bow on top. The problem with this is how generic it looks and often seems like it was bought from a gift shop. Some of them even have the name of the gift shop or department store on the wrapper. This can make the recipient feel like the gift giver put little thought into it.
If you are close to the bride or groom, make the packaging of your gift something they can associate with. Utilise your creativity when choosing the paper, bow and other little details. Look at inspiration online and try to make it look professional and unique.

Add more details
Continuing with being creative with your wedding gift packaging, one way to make your gift unique is to focus on the details. One example of this is the use of wedding gift tags. Choose one which can be associated with the receiver. For example, the gift tag can be in the form of a bookmark if they are an avid reader. Other details you can include floral shaped ribbons on top of your gift.

Need more ideas? Gift Packaging & Accessories  offers a wide range of wrappers, ribbons, bows and tools to help you package your wedding present. Visit their website to shop for all of the items you need to create the perfect wedding gift.



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